Lemony Hartshorn

     4 eggs, 1 lb. powdered sugar
     1/2 teaspoon oil of lemon, 
     1 teaspoon grated lemon
     2 tablespoons melted butter,
     1/2 teaspoon HARTSHORN
      dissolved in a little warm water
     1/2 teaspoon oil of anise
     3 1/2 cups flour

Beat eggs 15 min. with mixer.  Add sugar, beat until light.
Add oil of lemon and rind.  Add oil of anise, butter and hartshorne.
Work in enough flour to make stiff dough.
Cover dough and chill for 3 hours.  
Frankfurter Brenten [White Marzipan] These are very rich cookies.  
          1 cup almond paste, NOT almond filling
          1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon flour
          1 3/4 cups powdered sugar
          1 teaspoon water or flower water**
          1 egg white

Knead all ingredients into firm, smooth dough.  Sprinkle a board or pastry cloth with powdered sugar, roll out dough, and proceed as in the directions for molding springerle.

**Rosewater or orange flower water given an authenic European aroma and flavor.  Available from The House-on-the-Hill
Hand Carved Picture-Cookie Molds
Lemony Hartshorn, Marzipan & Springerle Recipes
The prettiest of all cookies, they should taste as good as they look... and remain soft and chewy with an intoxicating whiff of anise and a sweetness that melts on your tongue.

THE SECRET is HARTSHORN which keeps them soft!  Many pharmacies carry hartshorn -  as well as anise oil.

The designs need to set up and dry for 8 to 24 hours.

- Gerry Kohler, Arnold MO
This page was last updated: April 23, 2019
HOBI Cookie Molds
Springerle Cookies... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
an intoxicating whiff of anise, a soft and chewy bite, followed by a sweet melting on the tongue!

HARTSHORN is said to be the secret ingredient for keeping the springerles soft and chewy.  Many pharmacies carry hartshorn and anise oil.
Ken Hamilton bakes his springerle cookies at 225 degrees.  This is a very slow oven and doesn't produce the "foot" many like on their cookies and may double the baking time. He does this because the slower oven produces sharp, embossed details on the edible-art springerle cookies!  See below:
Hand Carved Picture-Cookie Molds
Lemony Hartshorn, Marzipan & Springerle Recipes

Ken The Springerle Baker’s Springerle Cookie recipe This recipe can be broken down into quarters. Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon baker’s ammonia (Hartshorn), 2 tablespoons water, 6 large eggs at room temperature, 6 cups sifted powdered sugar, 1/2 cup softened unsalted butter (a little more or less is okay), 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon flavoring of your choice (more if desired), 8 cups sifted cake flour, more flour as needed. Recipe Directions: Dissolve hartshorn in water and set aside. Beat eggs till thick and lemon-colored (10-20 minutes). Slowly beat in the powdered sugar, then the softened butter. Add the hartshorn and water, salt, preferred flavoring, and grated rind of lemon, lime or orange, if using. Let this mixture mix on medium speed for about 30 minutes or so. At times if I’m busy I let it beat for 40 minutes or more. Gradually beat in as much flour as you can with the mixer. Turn onto floured surface and knead in enough of the remaining flour to make a good print without sticking. Some days it takes all the flour while other days it doesn’t. It depends on where you live and what the weather is doing. For Molding Springerle: 1). Using a clean pastry brush, dust your mold with powdered sugar. Dust mold each time cookies are pressed. 2). Roll out enough of the dough to make the cookie you are working with to a thickness of at least 1/4* on a lightly powdered sugared surface. For deep molds you will need to have your dough thicker. 3). Placing your mold on the dough, press down firmly enough to make a clear impression of the mold design. Carefully and slowly lift off the mold. If you wish, you may alternatively roll dough on surface of mold and then invert the mold and lift it off of your dough. Press dough into the mold with fingers, working from center outward being sure to get it into all the deep places. 4). Trim the cookies as you wish then carefully lift them onto your cookie sheet. 5). Let your Springerle sit 12 hours or overnight to air dry in order to get a “crust”. It may take up to 36 hours to dry good and crust over. This depends largely on the weather. 6). Bake as your recipe directs. *Be sure to have good light to work by so you can tell if you’ve made a good impression with all of the details from your mold showing. And if you need glasses, wear em. Details become more visible as the cookie dries. Drying and Baking: After pressing your Springerle allow them to dry for between 16-36 hours before baking. This will allow the image to crust and thus prevent it from being distorted. Bake on baker’s parchment-lined cookie sheets at 225* to 300* till barely golden on the bottom, 25-45 minutes or more, depending on size of cookie. I teach folks to bake them “White” like porcelain. Leave them out again over night but covered and the next day store them in airtight containers and keep them in a cool dry place. They can keep for weeks but do become hard as rocks over time. Yield 3 to 12 dozen. *For ornaments to hang on your tree, remember to add a hole at the top for a string.